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Nursing Review


Международный электронный журнал сестринского дела

Выпускается кафедрой Сестринского дела Южно-Уральского ГМУ



Science & practice

horizontal rule


Tarnovskaya I. I.

Moscow Medical College # 1

Position of the elderly man in a modern society is not separable from general social, political and economic processes occurring in it.

In a context of WHO definition of concept of health as complete physical, mental and social well-being, the elderly people on one parameter cannot be considered healthy.

The quality of life of the elderly man is an integrated parameter reflecting not only an expressiveness of signs of diseases, but also functional status of the patient, his psychological status, social activity, satisfaction by  medical help, sensation of own health, physical and mental well-being.

The main kinds of daily activity are: walking, bathing, reception of nutrition, departure of natural needs. It is well-known, that in elderly age it is more difficult to carry out daily activity without assistance. It is one of the reasons of drop of quality of life.

The purpose of our research - rating of a degree of satisfaction of ten vital needs of the patients in conditions of some Moscow hospitals (various departmental subordination), and also patients served by a domestic care service of Red Cross Society.

The rating was carried out on a sheet of a nursing rating of a patient status being component of the documentation to nursing process used by us in educational process. 250 patients were interrogated, including 63 - in the age of 60-69 years, 134 - 70-79 years, 53 - 80 years and are more senior.

Most serious problems were connected with dissatisfaction of need for a feed and drink. So, at 71,6 % of the patients mass of a body exceeded ideal, at 9,2 % - was below ideal, down to an attrition; 78 % - had no opportunity independently to buy, to prepare to themselves nutrition, 28 % - were at a loss independently to take nutrition which is taking place in a package (for example: milk) or jar; 4 % - could not independently accept nutrition; at 43,6 % - the problems in usage by tableware’s (by virtue of available contractions have appeared, and also fear to be cut or to prick); 48 % of the patients preferred to use less liquids, as the visiting of a toilet, use of a vessel, urinal and other auxiliary agents was accompanied for them by serious difficulties in connection with complete or partial dependence on other people.

Thus, the results of the rating of opportunities of satisfaction this and others 9 needs connected to daily life allow to make unfavorable conclusions:


 The quality of life of the elderly people is on a low level;


 Reforming of public health services, creation of branches and hospitals of a nursing care, where the patients could receive the qualified nursing help (not only hopeless, lonely elderly people, but any man requiring for a care), not only will allow to reduce expenses, but also will promote expansion of opportunities of a self-care of the patient, decrease of his dependence from environmental, rising of self-rating and quality of his life;


 Multistage system of preparation of the nursing personnel (school - college - the institute) allows today to prepare the qualified staff for organization of branches and houses of a nursing care;


Without real reforming of nursing it is impossible to improve quality of a medical care and, accordingly, quality of life of the elderly patient.

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Последнее изменение: октября 12, 2019